If your firm is organized around service teams, you may find that understanding and managing their contribution is difficult. It is not easy because it depends on several logic leaps that sound intuitive but are opaque. For example, you may...
If you ever thought: “Hmmm… wouldn’t it be nice if I had a one-pager list of the tools that people use to improve process efficiency?” Then today is your lucky day! I have listed below my compilation of the main...
8 months ago, I drafted an article explaining why you should do a sensitivity analysis of your strategy to luck. I was planning to publish it in March of this year, because of St Patrick’s. That draft started with “Now...
Companies that decide to compete on innovation-based businesses have 2 potential paths to choose from: with or without “emotion”. Years ago, my wife and I traveled to the NorthEast of Brazil. There, we went on a tour on the sand...
During crisis, we are all pushed to make strategic, life-changing decisions. Often we need to make these decisions under a lot of uncertainty and with incomplete and faulty information. Below, I review some of my favourite cognitive biases with a...
The estimated impact of the Coronavirus Crisis continues to be revised up. Over the past couple of weeks, sequestered trying to minimize the number of fatalities, we have seen economic forecasts being revised, every time painting a more dire scenario....
Strategy & Value For the past 10 years, financial services firms have publicly acknowledged that they needed to change. Chances are, your organization was one of those. Commoditization meant a systematic erosion of margins for banks; reduction in interest rates...