You might have heard about how bank costs increase as the bank crosses the infamous mark of $10 billion in assets.
This is the average efficiency ratio for all US banks by size for 2019 through 2023.
And this was their average ROE:
As you can see, as banks grow, they benefit from economies of scale, which is reflected in their efficiency ratio and profitability. This seems particularly potent after the bank crosses the $7 billion mark. Then, the trend takes a turn for the worse, wiping out all gains as the bank approaches $15 billion before it resumes its downward march.
The main message: prioritize growth
For community banks of all sizes, preparing your strategy with this curve in mind is extremely important. Many banks see profitability and efficiency as their single top priority and fail to see that many of their margin problems require growth to be solved.
For example, several system integrations that drive efficiency are not viable until the bank has reached a minimum size. The same is true for customer acquisition and relationship nurturing – both critical drivers of margins and profitability.
Prepare for growth
It may be tempting to acquire your way out of the “slump”. Buying 2-3 smaller banks has the potential to accelerate your $10-20 billion transition from 10 to 20 years to 5 to 10 years.
Banks who want to “speed up through the slump” effectively need to start preparing years before they execute it. Among other things, they need to answer six strategic questions:
Bank economics change significantly as you grow and a good strategy needs to consider that. And because some decisions like using “learning acquisitions”, preparing your balance sheet, settling on an acquisition model, securing long-term reserves, and fine tunning your business portfolio and new customer journey can take years to materialize, banks should start this journey several years before they are necessary.
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